Thursday, March 8, 2012

NSF Matrerials Division Interest?

Several weeks ago (2/8/12) I participated in the NSF Division of Materials Research (DMR) webinar on the subject of "Materials 2022"  I captured much of the typed questions which included my own input as copied below.  A Committee of Visitors had made recommendations to DMR, so they sought input from the materials research community on how to improve their program through 2022.

from Dave Witter to Everyone:
Have you comprehended the National Research Council recommendation in their Sept. 2009 Report "Frontiers of Crystalline Matter"  They made five recommendations that should be addressed by the NSF Materials Division.  A new crystal growth center and facility is needed to carry out their plan for US Competes.  See National Academies Press #12640...

from Dave Witter to Everyone:
DMR should point out the benefits of new materials creating jobs for not only material manufacturing but for devices, systems, software and the energy jobs that will obtain because of the unique properties and performance of the material.  This should boost NSF DMR funding when realized.  Outsourcing and offshoring our materials technology has damaged the whole technology jobs creation activity.

from Dave Witter to Everyone:
Are the Committee of Visitor recommendations available on the website? (answers were given online)

I plan to follow up with NSF DMR to see if there is any interest in these and other recommendations like mine  for a crystallinematerials database that captures all of the new material synthesis and matches the samples and collaborators with materials characterizers (measurements), device designers and system manufacturers.  For many years the DOE ORNL and AMES had a crystalline materials database.  It was shut down when everything became searchable on the internet.  I think that there is justification for a new database that protects all parties and controls the IP to facilitate not only invention but innovation in the marketplace so that the US can compete.

I appreciate your comments here or by email to  I have registered the crystallinematerials domains and I'm ready to start building the database and website.